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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Ouya : an android gaming console at only 99 $

This is the new android gaming console which will be launched in June at an affordable price 99 $ only .

The Ouya (/ˈˌjə/ oo-yah), stylized OUYA,[4]is a video game console running its own version of the Android operating system. Julie Uhrman, a game industry veteran,[5]founded the project in 2012.[6] She brought in designer Yves Béhar to collaborate on the design of the project,[7] and Muffi Ghadiali as product manager to put together the engineering team.[8]Development was funded via Kickstarter, raising $8.5 million and becoming the website's second-highest-earning project in its history. Units started to ship to Kickstarter backers on March 28, 2013. The console is due to be released to the general public on June 25, 2013.[9]

The Ouya will feature an exclusive Ouya store for applications and games designed specifically for the Ouya platform. Out of the box, Ouya will include the TwitchTVapplication and access to the OnLive video game streaming service.[6] Initially it is expected to run on a modified version of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, and be open torooting without voiding the warranty (developer models ordered during the Kickstarter campaign for $699 or $1,337 will come pre-rooted).[6] The console's hardware design will allow it to be easily opened up, requiring only a standard screwdriver to allow easy modding and possible hardware addons.[10]

All systems can be used as development kits, allowing any Ouya owner and gamer to also be a developer, without the need for licensing fees. All games will be required to have some kind of free-to-play aspect,[6]whether that be completely free, has a free trial, or has purchasable upgrades, levels, or other in-game items. One of Ouya's main competitors is the GameStick.[11

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