After weeks of speculation in the tech press, Snapchat has finally revealed the details of its latest round of funding. According to Evan Spiegel, the company’s 23 year-old CEO, Snapchat raised a $60 million Series B round led by Institutional Venture Partners, with participation from General Catalyst, Benchmark and Lightspeed Ventures. The round, which valued the photo-sharing company at $800 million pre-money, means that Snapchat is now an $860 million company in the eyes of venture capitalists—a staggering valuation after less than two years of operations and not a cent of revenue. (Snapchat will celebrate its second anniversary since launch in September.)
Users of the app now send 200 million photos each day according to the company. That’s up from 50 million in December and 150 million in April. Photos, which users send directly to a select group of friends, disappear after less than 10 seconds.
Spiegel founded the company along with CTO Bobby Murphy, a 25 year-old fellow Standford alumnus, in 2011. Michael Lynton, the CEO of Sony America and Sony Pictures, will join Snapchat’s board.
Reached over the phone, Spiegel says that the company is actively pursuing monetization strategies. The company will likely use both in-app purchases and native advertising to make money in the coming year.
“Tencent is a huge role model for us,” Spiegel says, referring to the Chinese owner of messaging apps QQ and WeChat. “90% of their revenue comes from in-app purchases.” Native advertising will take longer to perfect, he cautions. The company, along with marketers, will need to figure out how to incorporate effective advertising into users’ streams without disrupting the experience.
The company has hired Phillippe Browning, a former vice president of advertising and operations for CBS Mobile, as VP of monetization. Spiegel says that the company previously directed all emails from interested marketers into a dead-end mailbox. Those emails now go to Browning.
With $60 million in fresh capital Snapchat expects to double headcount by the end of the year. When I spoke with Spiegel in November, the company had five full-time employees. Today they have 17 in an office on the beach in Venice, Calif. The company is moving a couple blocks away to a larger, unmarked building in Venice. Spiegel says that Snapchat’s current office tends to attract small crowds. “It’s great to see everyone,” he says, “but it can be a little distracting.”
Asked about his long-term intentions for the company, Spiegel demurred. “I certainly don’t think an acquisition would be a good idea right now,” he says, “but I don’t want to close any doors. It would be interesting to find a place where we felt at home that isn’t our own office.”
For those of you asking how anyone can justify valuing a no-revenue photo-sharing app at $860 million, here are two slides from Mary Meeker‘s Internet Trends that might put the valuation in perspective:
The company’s growth has actually accelerated in past months as it’s expanded beyond the teen crowd and breached the mainstream. In terms of photos shared per day, Snapchat is on the verge of rivaling Facebook. Conventional VC wisdom says that where there are users and eyeballs, there is money. Josh Helman, a principal at Greylock Partners who previously worked at LinkedIn and Twitter, wrote what I consider a very valuable post outlining four requirements for successful social media companies. He looks for broad appeal, increasing user engagement, sustainable growth and monetizable behavior. I would argue that Snapchat fits the first three criteria while the last is still an open question.
The company sent over a quote from Dennis Phelps, the partner at IVP who led the deal. Phelps thinks that Snapchat could be, “one of the most successful consumer applications to date.”
With such a weighty valuation, late-stage investors better hope so.
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